The St. Petersburg State Academic
Institute of
Fine Arts, Sculpture and Architecture
The largest arts educational institution in Russia
Founded in 1757
University Embankment 17, Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA
The St.Petersburg State Academic Institute
of Fine Arts, Sculpture and Architecture, named after I.E.Repin (of the
famous Arts Academy), is the largest arts educational institution and one
of the most important scientific centers in Russia. For almost two and
a half centuries the Academy has been promoting the traditional and classical
fine art of Russia and plays a key part in the preservation of its native
style. Presently there are more than seven hundred students during the
day and over five hundred attending night courses at the Academy. About
100 professors, associate professors, and 60 teachers teach at the Academy.
The Academy has 5 faculties: Fine Art, Graphic Arts, Sculpture, Architecture,
and Art Theory and History. |
following workshops and departments can be found within the faculties:
Fine Arts Faculty (Dean
Professor Vladimir S.Pesikov):
Monument Painting (Prof. A.A.Mylnikov), Easel Painting (Profs. O.A.Eremeev,
V.I.Reichet, V.V.Sokolov, and S.D.Kitchko), Theatrical Decorations (Prof.
E.S.Kotchergin), Church and Historical Painting (Prof. A.K.Krylov), Painting
Restoration (prof. M.M. Devyatov), Painting and Composition Departments
(Prof.O.A.Eremeev); |
Graphic Arts Faculty (Dean Prof. Vladimir
Easel Graphics (Prof. V.A.Vetrogonsky), Book Graphics (Prof. A.A.Pakhomov),
Graphic Art Chair (Prof. V.A.Vetrogonsky);
Sculpture Department (Dean Prof. V.A.Engelke):
Workshops headed by associate Prof. V.E.Gorevoy, Prof. B.A.Plenkin,
Prof. S.A.Kubasov, and associate Prof. V.E.Gorevoy; |
Architecture Faculty (Dean Senior Teacher Mikhail
Workshops headed by: Prof. V.V.Popov, Prof. Z.M.Vershibtsky, Prof.
V.S.Volonsevitch, Prof. A.V.Zhuk, Prof. A.K.Andreev, Associate Prof. V.O.Uchov,
Architecture Chair: (Prof A.V.Zhuk), History and Theory of Architecture:
(Prof. A.L.Punin), Engineering and Building Subjects: (Prof. V.D.Korkin); |
Art Theory and History Faculty (Dean Prof. Gleb N.Pavlov
Art Department (Prof. V.A.Lenyashin), Foreign Arts (Prof. N.N.Nikulin).
Daily classes are held at all faculties. The Arts Theory and History
Faculty includes a Correspondence Education Department. The duration of
education at the faculties of Painting, Architecture, Sculpture and Graphic
Art is 6 years and the students enter the specialized workshops after the
second year of studies. At the Arts Theory and History Department, the
duration of education is 5 years, and at the Correspondence Department
- 6 years. Graduates of the Repin Institute may be qualified as artist,
theatrical artist, restoration artist with the restoration category, graphic
artist, sculptor-artist, architect-artist, or arts specialist. The submission
of applications and works is held from 15 June to 5 July each year. Examinations
are held from
July 6. |
The Arts Academy was founded in 1757 at the initiative of I.I.Shuvalov.
On the 4th of November 1764 the Empress Katherine II supported the “Privilege”
and the regulations of the Academy which was headed by I.I.Betskoy who
held the post of president until the end of the 19th century. The period
of time from 1800 till 1811 when A.S.Stroganov was the president is known
as the golden age of the Arts Academy and the epoch of classicism in the
Russian arts culture. The classical education that was established in the
times of Shuvalov and Betskoy is still offered to students today. From
1817 until 1843 the post of the president was occupied by A.N.Olenin. As
a result of the reform of 1894 the Academy split into the Academic Society
and the Highest Arts School of painting, Sculpture and Architecture. After
1917 the Emperor’s Arts Academy was closed and the Highest Arts School
was transformed into the Free Arts Educational Workshops (1918 - 1921).
The academy was reorganized several times over the years:
1921 - 1923 |
Arts Academy |
1923 - 1925 |
High Arts and Technical Workshops |
1925 - 1930 |
High Arts and Technical Institute |
1930 - 1932 |
Institute of proletarian fine arts |
1932 - 1933 |
Leningrad institute of painting, sculpture and architecture |
1933 - 1944 |
Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture of the
Russian Arts Academy |
1944 - 1947 |
Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named
after I.E.Repin of the Russian Arts Academy |
Since 1947 |
Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named
after I.E.Repin of the Arts Academy of the USSR. |
Presently the institute belongs to the Russian Arts Academy.
The Scientific Museum is located at the institute and the
scientific library of the Arts Academy.
The museum’s collection is based on the collection which
was presented by the founder of the Academy I.I.Shuvalov in 1758. In the
following years the collection was extended as a result of several
generous gifts. In 1862 the Academy received the collection of Count N.A.Kushelev-Bezborodko
“The Kushelev Gallery”. A few exhibits were received from the Hermitage.
In addition, the museum preserves the works of its best students and also
has copies of masterpieces from around the world. |
Together with the permanent exhibit (including: Casts,
Russian Art School History, and Architecture), in the front rooms, temporary
exhibits are also housed.
A library was also founded in 1758. Presently its collection contains
more than half a million books and is one of the largest in Russia. In
addition, the library has a rich fund of periodicals, a collection of engravings,
and photographic materials. |
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